Our little family

Our little family
Wife Woman, Husband Man, Catcher and The Hoskinettes.

Friday, January 30, 2009

the relationship between food and money

why is it that being hungry and wanting to spend go hand in hand? When i was hungry earlier i made a sandwich but it was all i could do not to rush to the store to buy some stuff. I haven't done the monthly grocery shopping for february yet and january's stock is getting low, there's not a whole lot to throw together besides what is already scheduled as dinners and lunches for the next few days. I calendar out our meals for the month but this month we had more trouble sticking to the calendar than usual, i'll try a new method for february and we'll see how it works. I'm hungry right now, it's not quite dinner time, it's the time of the day the kids start asking for a snack, and i have a few snacks that satiate them just fine, but somehow fruit snacks or a cheese stick just don't cut that afternoon hunger for me...i looked at some recipes in a few cookbooks but didn't feel like any of them sounded good, the ones that did sound good of course i was short some ingedients for so hence the wanting to go to the store for just one or two ingredients would inevitably turn into a lot more. Maybe i'll just make another sandwich.

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