Our little family

Our little family
Wife Woman, Husband Man, Catcher and The Hoskinettes.

Friday, January 15, 2010

a short dr's appointment

Had to go in to get monitored today, they're monitoring twice a week now. But of course my dr is out of town and the perinatologist is in Stockton on Fridays so he was not there either. So the nurse needed to get a dr to look at the printout from the monitoring before she could let me go, so she found a different dr who has never seen me before. Well that dr looks over all my stuff, the high blood pressure and everything, and then sees the baby's weird heart beat and kinda freaks out a little bit. So she decides to come in and listen to the baby for a while and the whole while i'm trying to reassure her that a pediatric cardiologist has examined the heart as good as possible and assures us this will probably resolve itself, but until then it doesn't seem to bother the baby. It's funny that I, the patient, had to practically hold the dr's hand to keep her from freaking out over every weird thing going on in my pregnancy. Not to mention the kidney stone, the bladders spasms, and the arthritic hip that is killing me...haha, it's kinda fun to freak out a dr who is new to my case, when it's all starting to feel like old news to me :)

I must say though, that it was strange to sit and listen to the baby's strange and irratic heart beat while two other women are also hooked up to monitors on either side of me and their babies are beating away like normal when my little guy just has a very strange rhythm, well it's arrhythmia is what it is. But it's definitely unique, and while all moms can tell their baby by their cry after they're born, i could pick out my baby's heart beat out of a room full of monitors, it makes him feel special :)

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